Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Roll-up without Subtotals

Rollup usually will show subtotals on every difference in the group. To show only a grand total, add 'grouping sets' and a '1' as shown below:

SELECT deptno 
     , job 
     , SUM(sal) 
  FROM emp 
 WHERE deptno <> 10                  -- narrow down this example 
   AND job IN ( 'MANAGER', 'CLERK' ) -- narrow down this example 
 GROUP BY grouping sets ( ( deptno, job ) -- One row for every distinct combination of these 
                          , 1             -- Grand total super-aggregate 

30 CLERK 950
20 CLERK 1900
20 MANAGER 2975
30 MANAGER 2850

Or you can add 'Total' to it by decoding the 1st column. The Grouping value is 1 when it's a total.

              GROUPING(deptno) -- Decode the GROUPING value for DeptNo
             ,1                -- If it is 1,
             ,'Total'          -- Then print 'Total'
             ,deptno           -- otherwise, print the actual DeptNo
             ) AS dept         -- call this column 'Dept_Tot'
     , job
     , SUM(sal)
  FROM scott.emp
 WHERE deptno <> 10                  -- narrow down this example
   AND job IN ( 'MANAGER', 'CLERK' ) -- narrow down this example
 GROUP BY grouping sets ( ( deptno, job ) -- One row for every distinct combination of these
                          , 1             -- Grand total super-aggregate

30 CLERK 950
20 CLERK 1900
20 MANAGER 2975
30 MANAGER 2850
Total 8675

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