The Connect By displays the hierarchy of data. To generate the above report, we've indented the name by padding with three spaces for each level deep it is. Since we don't want to pad the 1st level, subtracting one puts it in the right place.
Select Empno, Lpad(' ' -- Print a space ,3*(Level-1) -- Pad with spaces for 3 times one less than the level ) || Ename -- Join spaces with the name to show hierarchy As EmpNm, Mgr From Emp Start With Ename = 'KING' Connect By Mgr = Prior Empno Order Siblings By Ename;If you wish to accomplish the same thing, but want to display it in a browser, Word or Excel, you'll need to make a few adjustments.
- For one thing, a space is virtually undetectable, so you'll want to increase the amount of space by quite a bit.
- A space has to be written as ' ', and since the ampersand is a variable to SQL, you need to add 'Set Escape On', and put a backslash ('\') in front of the ampersand.
- Setting 'Term Off' always helps since it just takes up time to watch HTML scroll by.
- The column that contains the escape character must be defined with 'Entmap Off', and must be long enough to contain all the 'nbsp;'s that you'll be adding without it wrapping to a second line. For instance, if the name is only formatted for 10 characters then the output would look like this:
EMPNO EMPNM MGR ------ ---------- ---------- 7698 &nbs 7839 p;BLAKEAt least for Blake, we need a length of 17 (6+6+5).
Other than that, there's nothing to it! :o)
SET MARKUP HTML ON ENTMAP ON SPOOL ON PREFORMAT OFF Set Term Off Set Escape On Column Empnm Format A100 Entmap Off Spool htmltest.html Select Empno, Lpad ('\ ' -- pad with spaces ,(Level-1)*24 -- the length of the pad is based on the level ,'\ ' -- fill in with this (default is space, but that's different) )||Ename As Empnm, Mgr From Emp Start With Ename = 'KING' Connect By Mgr = Prior Empno Order Siblings By Ename; SET MARKUP HTML OFF ENTMAP OFF SPOOL OFF PREFORMAT OFF Spool Off Set Term On
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