Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Case vs. Decode

The DECODE and CASE statements can generate the same report as shown on the right. The Case statement (which has two variations) is newer and has several advantages over the Decode.
  • offers more flexibility and logical power (see Case Examples)
  • easier to read than DECODE
  • offers better performance as well

  • value can be any column or the result of a computation, a substring, etc.
Select Grade,
Decode(Grade,2 , 'Needs a Raise' ,
3 , 'Average Pay' ,
4 , 'Almost There' ,
5 , 'Upper Echelon' , '?')
From SalGrade;

CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1
WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2
ELSE else_result

Select Ename, Grade,
CASE WHEN Grade = 2 THEN 'Needs a Raise'
WHEN Grade = 3 THEN 'Average Pay'
WHEN Grade = 4 THEN 'Almost There'
WHEN EName = 'KING' Then 'King of the Hill'
WHEN Grade = 5 THEN 'Upper Echelon'
ELSE '?'
From SalGrade , Emp
Where Sal Between LoSal and HiSal

- OR -
CASE expression WHEN value_1 THEN result_1
WHEN value_2 THEN result_2
ELSE else_result

Select Grade,
CASE Grade When 2 THEN 'Needs a Raise'
When 3 THEN 'Average Pay'
When 4 THEN 'Almost There'
When 5 THEN 'Upper Echelon'
ELSE '?'
From SalGrade;

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