ROLLUP generates subtotals and totals (for example, salary by departments, and the total salary for the report). If there is more than one field listed in the GROUP BY ROLLUP clause, the subtotals move from right to left.
This shows the basic 'GROUP BY' which will give subtotals for the dept, but no grand total.
SELECT DeptNo , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 GROUP BY DeptNo; DEPTNO SUM(SAL) ------ ---------- 30 9400 20 10875If 'GROUP BY' is changed to 'GROUP BY ROLLUP' it adds a grand total to the subtotals.
SELECT DeptNo , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 GROUP BY ROLLUP (DeptNo); DEPTNO SUM(SAL) ------ ---------- 20 10875 30 9400 20275The GROUPING function can be used to note which lines are subtotals or totals.
This first example is used to show the settings of GROUPING.
SELECT DeptNo , SUM(Sal) , GROUPING(DeptNo) , DECODE( GROUPING(DeptNo) -- Decode the GROUPING value for DeptNo ,1 -- If it is 1, ,'Total' -- Then print 'Total' ,DeptNo -- otherwise, print the actual DeptNo ) as Dept_Tot -- call this column 'Dept_Tot' FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 GROUP BY ROLLUP (DeptNo); DEPTNO SUM(SAL) GROUPING(DEPTNO) DEPT_TOT ------ ---------- ---------------- ------------- 20 10875 0 20 30 9400 0 30 20275 1 TotalAs you can see, when the GROUPING value for the DeptNo is '1,' this is a total. Otherwise, this is the actual DeptNo number.
Obviously, we wouldn't want our report to list DeptNo twice, so I would move this around to the front. And of course, the GROUPING value doesn't need to be displayed at all.
Column Dept_Tot Format A13 SELECT DECODE(GROUPING(DeptNo),1,'Total',DeptNo) as Dept_Tot , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 GROUP BY ROLLUP (DeptNo); DEPT_TOT SUM(SAL) ------------- ---------- 20 10875 30 9400 Total 20275Here's a query where we want subtotals based on two values. Since ROLLUP goes right to left, the first subtotal will actually be the GROUP BY for the Job. After that, comes the DeptNo subtotal, and then the Grand Total. This example, doesn't decode the GROUPING values.
SELECT DeptNo , Job , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 GROUP BY ROLLUP (DeptNo ,Job ); DEPTNO JOB SUM(SAL) ------ --------- ---------- 20 CLERK 1900 20 ANALYST 6000 20 MANAGER 2975 20 10875 30 CLERK 950 30 MANAGER 2850 30 SALESMAN 5600 30 9400 20275Now, lets add the headings into this report using DECODE.
Since the GROUP BY has already subtotaled the job, When the GROUPING value of Job is set to '1', it will actually be for the higher group, which is the department.
When the GROUPING value of DeptNo is '1,' it is for the higher group, which is the entire report.
Column Job_Tot Format A16 SELECT DECODE(GROUPING(DeptNo),1,'* Grand Total',DeptNo) as Dept_Tot , DECODE(GROUPING(Job ),1,'* Dept Total' ,Job ) as Job_Tot , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 GROUP BY ROLLUP (DeptNo ,Job ); DEPT_TOT JOB_TOT SUM(SAL) ------------- ---------------- ---------- 20 CLERK 1900 20 ANALYST 6000 20 MANAGER 2975 20 * Dept Total 10875 30 CLERK 950 30 MANAGER 2850 30 SALESMAN 5600 30 * Dept Total 9400 * Grand Total * Dept Total 20275This is close to what I want, but I don't want it to say 'Dept Total' on the Grand total line. I'm going to switch from DECODE to CASE because I think it's going to be easier to understand.
Since I've put the DeptNo in the Total line, I'm going to drop that column.
SELECT Case When GROUPING(Job) = 1 And Grouping(DeptNo) = 0 Then '* Total: Dept '||DeptNo -- When GROUPING(Job) = 1 And GROUPING(DeptNo) = 1 Then '** Grand Total' Else Job End as Job_Tot , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 GROUP BY ROLLUP (DeptNo ,Job ); JOB_TOT SUM(SAL) ---------------- ---------- CLERK 1900 ANALYST 6000 MANAGER 2975 * Total: Dept 20 10875 CLERK 950 MANAGER 2850 SALESMAN 5600 * Total: Dept 30 9400 ** Grand Total 20275
CUBE: Cross-Tabulation
The Cube statement does a cross-tabulation, which means every possible combinations of rows is aggregated. I'm going to narrow down the output based on job to make it simpler to view. Also, I'm going to display the GROUPING values for the two columns.
SELECT DeptNo , Grouping(DeptNo) , Job , Grouping(Job) , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 AND Job In ('MANAGER','CLERK') GROUP BY CUBE (DeptNo ,Job );As shown, there are four combinations of the GROUPING values.
DEPTNO GROUPING(DEPTNO) JOB GROUPING(JOB) SUM(SAL) ------ ---------------- --------- ------------- ---------- 1 1 8675 <-- grand 1 CLERK 0 2850 <-- all clerks 1 MANAGER 0 5825 <-- all managers 20 0 1 4875 <-- dept 20 20 0 CLERK 0 1900 <-- clerks in dept 20 20 0 MANAGER 0 2975 <-- managers in dept 20 30 0 1 3800 <-- dept 30 30 0 CLERK 0 950 <-- clerks in dept 30 30 0 MANAGER 0 2850 <-- managers in dept 30Based on that, we can write a total statement about each condition showing the actual values. It's padded with dots to the right.
Column Tot_Hdr Format A50 SELECT Rpad( Case When Grouping(DeptNo) = 1 And Grouping(Job) = 1 Then '*** Grand Total' -- When Grouping(DeptNo) = 1 And Grouping(Job) = 0 Then ' ** Total for All '||Job ||'s' -- When Grouping(DeptNo) = 0 And Grouping(Job) = 1 Then ' ** Total for dept '|| DeptNo -- When Grouping(DeptNo) = 0 And Grouping(Job) = 0 Then ' * Total for '|| Job || 's in Dept ' || DeptNo End ,50 -- the end of Rpad ,'. ' ) As Tot -------------------------------------------------------- , To_Char( Sum(Sal) ,'$9,999.99' ) As Tot_Sal FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 -- narrow down this example AND Job In ('MANAGER','CLERK') -- narrow down this example GROUP BY Cube (DeptNo ,Job ); TOT TOT_SAL ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- *** Grand Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,675.00 ** Total for All CLERKs. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,850.00 ** Total for All MANAGERs. . . . . . . . . . . $5,825.00 ** Total for dept 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,875.00 * Total for CLERKs in Dept 20. . . . . . . $1,900.00 * Total for MANAGERs in Dept 20. . . . . . $2,975.00 ** Total for dept 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,800.00 * Total for CLERKs in Dept 30. . . . . . . $950.00 * Total for MANAGERs in Dept 30. . . . . . $2,850.00Here's the same type of thing with three fields:
SELECT DeptNo , Grouping(DeptNo) , Job , Grouping(Job) , To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') As HireYr , Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) As Grouping_Yr , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 AND Job In ('MANAGER','CLERK') AND To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') In ('1981','1987') -- narrow down this example GROUP BY Cube (DeptNo ,Job ,To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') ); DEPTNO GROUPING(DEPTNO) JOB GROUPING(JOB) HIRE GROUPING_Yr SUM(SAL) ------ ---------------- --------- ------------- ---- ----------- -------- 1 1 1 8675 1 1 1981 0 6775 1 1 1987 0 1100 1 CLERK 0 1 2850 1 CLERK 0 1981 0 950 1 CLERK 0 1987 0 1100 1 MANAGER 0 1 5825 1 MANAGER 0 1981 0 5825 20 0 1 1 4875 20 0 1 1981 0 2975 20 0 1 1987 0 1100 20 0 CLERK 0 1 1900 20 0 CLERK 0 1987 0 1100 20 0 MANAGER 0 1 2975 20 0 MANAGER 0 1981 0 2975 30 0 1 1 3800 30 0 1 1981 0 3800 30 0 CLERK 0 1 950 30 0 CLERK 0 1981 0 950 30 0 MANAGER 0 1 2850 30 0 MANAGER 0 1981 0 2850
Column Tot format A60 SELECT RPad( Case When Grouping(Deptno) = 1 And Grouping(Job) = 1 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 1 Then '****Grand Total' ---------------------- -- Those with two '1's ---------------------- When Grouping(Deptno) = 1 And Grouping(Job) = 1 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 0 Then ' ***Total of people hired in '||To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') -- When Grouping(Deptno) = 1 And Grouping(Job) = 0 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 1 Then ' ***Total for '||InitCap(Job)||'s' -- When Grouping(Deptno) = 0 And Grouping(Job) = 1 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 1 Then ' ***Total for Department '||DeptNo --------------------- -- Those with one '1' --------------------- When Grouping(Deptno) = 1 And Grouping(Job) = 0 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 0 Then ' **Total for '||InitCap(Job)||'s hired in ' ||To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') -- When Grouping(Deptno) = 0 And Grouping(Job) = 1 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 0 Then ' **Total for Department '||DeptNo||' hired in ' ||To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') -- When Grouping(Deptno) = 0 And Grouping(Job) = 0 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 1 Then ' **Total for Department '||DeptNo||'''s '||InitCap(Job)||'s' --------------------- -- Those with no '1' --------------------- When Grouping(Deptno) = 0 And Grouping(Job) = 0 And Grouping(To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) = 0 Then ' *Total for Department '||DeptNo||'''s '||InitCap(Job) ||'s hired in '||To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') End ,60 -- the end of the RPad ,'. ' ) As Tot --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , To_Char( Sum(Sal) ,'$9,999.99' ) As Tot_Sal FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 -- narrow down this example AND Job In ('MANAGER','CLERK') -- narrow down this example AND To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') In ('1981','1987') -- narrow down this example GROUP BY Cube (DeptNo ,Job ,To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') ); TOT TOT_SAL ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ****Grand Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,875.00 ***Total of people hired in 1981. . . . . . . . . . . . $6,775.00 ***Total of people hired in 1987. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,100.00 ***Total for Clerks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,050.00 **Total for Clerks hired in 1981. . . . . . . . . . . $950.00 **Total for Clerks hired in 1987. . . . . . . . . . . $1,100.00 ***Total for Managers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,825.00 **Total for Managers hired in 1981. . . . . . . . . . $5,825.00 ***Total for Department 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,075.00 **Total for Department 20 hired in 1981. . . . . . . $2,975.00 **Total for Department 20 hired in 1987. . . . . . . $1,100.00 **Total for Department 20's Clerks. . . . . . . . . . $1,100.00 *Total for Department 20's Clerks hired in 1987. . $1,100.00 **Total for Department 20's Managers. . . . . . . . . $2,975.00 *Total for Department 20's Managers hired in 1981. $2,975.00 ***Total for Department 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,800.00 **Total for Department 30 hired in 1981. . . . . . . $3,800.00 **Total for Department 30's Clerks. . . . . . . . . . $950.00 *Total for Department 30's Clerks hired in 1981. . $950.00 **Total for Department 30's Managers. . . . . . . . . $2,850.00 *Total for Department 30's Managers hired in 1981. $2,850.00
GROUPING SETS allows multiple 'GROUP BY' clauses in the same result set. It does not display all the totals shown in the rollup and cube.This could be a large savings in processing if it works to grab both sets of data at the same time instead of making two passes through the database.
SELECT DeptNo , Job , To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') As HireYr , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 -- narrow down this example AND Job In ('MANAGER','CLERK') -- narrow down this example AND To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') In ('1981','1987') -- narrow down this example GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((DeptNo, Job) ,(Job , To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY')) ); DEPTNO JOB HIRE SUM(SAL) ------ --------- ---- ---------- 20 MANAGER 2975 20 CLERK 1100 30 CLERK 950 30 MANAGER 2850 CLERK 1981 950 MANAGER 1981 5825 CLERK 1987 1100This is the same as the following two queries (in output -- not processing time).
SELECT DeptNo , Job , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE DeptNo <> 10 AND Job In ('MANAGER','CLERK') GROUP BY DeptNo, Job; DEPTNO JOB SUM(SAL) ---------- --------- ---------- 20 CLERK 1900 20 MANAGER 2975 30 CLERK 950 30 MANAGER 2850
SELECT Job , To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') As HireYr , SUM(Sal) FROM Emp WHERE Job In ('MANAGER','CLERK') AND To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY') In ('1981','1987') GROUP BY Job, To_Char(Hiredate,'YYYY'); JOB HIRE SUM(SAL) --------- ---- ---------- CLERK 1981 950 MANAGER 1981 8275 CLERK 1987 1100
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