Friday, October 31, 2008

Run a SQL Query from DOS

This is a DOS batch file that will be run at the DOS prompt. You must supply the user, password, and the SQL query name you wish to run. For example:

Since the SQL query must have an 'EXIT' statement at the end, I've actually had this batch file call a two-line query that calls the query you requested, and then exits. This batch file assumes that all your code is in a directory called 'Data', and that the output of your query can be displayed in Notepad, and that the spool file name matches the query name with an 'TXT' extension.

Rem -+---------------------------------------
Rem -| Turn off the display
Rem -+---------------------------------------

@Echo Off

Rem -+---------------------------------------
Rem -| Pick up the variables typed
Rem -| i.e., SqlFromDos Scott Tiger Emptest
Rem -+---------------------------------------

Set User=%1
Set Pass=%2
Set Query=%3

Rem -+---------------------------------------
Rem -| Apply the variables to the login
Rem -+---------------------------------------

Sqlplus %User%/%Pass% @C:\Data\RunFromDos %Query%

Rem -+---------------------------------------
Rem -| When SQL*Plus is done, return to
Rem -| DOS, clear the screen, and open
Rem -| Notepad to view the report
Rem -+---------------------------------------

Notepad C:\Data\%Query%.txt

This is called by SqlFromDos.Bat;


This is called by RunFromDos.Sql:

Set Echo Off Linesize 200 Pagesize 60 Trimspool On
Spool Emptest.Txt
Select *
From Emp;
Spool Off

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