Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Character Set

The query below generated the data shown in the table using the DUMP statement. SQL*Plus dumped in a straight line as normal. I used Google Docs to format it into a table.


CharAscii DecimalOctalHexCharAscii DecimalOctalHexCharAscii DecimalOctalHexCharAscii DecimalOctalHex




















































rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rem | Script ID: Dump.sql
rem | Purpose: Show how dump works and dump all characters in all sets.
rem |
rem | Developer: Lynn Tobias
rem | Script Date: 8/26/2008
rem | Oracle Ver: 10g
rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Set Serveroutput On
V_Outputstr Varchar2(50) ;

Dbms_Output.Put_Line(Rpad('Char',5)|| Rpad('Ascii',6)|| 'Octal Decimal Hex');

For V_Ctr In 1..94 Loop

Select Lpad(Substr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),17),Instr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),17),': ',11)+2),4) ||
Lpad(Substr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1), 3),Instr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1), 3),': ',11)+2),5) ||
Lpad(Substr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1), 8),Instr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1), 8),': ',11)+2),6) ||
Lpad(Substr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),10),Instr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),10),': ',11)+2),8) ||
Lpad(Substr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),16),Instr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),16),': ',11)+2),4)
Into V_Outputstr
From ( ------------- This is the list of characters we want to evaluate -------------------------
' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
As Charx
From Dual

End Loop;
-- How the lines starting with LPad work:
-- 1 Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1) get one character at a time from the string based on the counter
-- 2 Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),10) dump to get this string: 'Typ=1 Len=1: 97'
-- 3 Instr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),10),':',11) find the position of the ':' in the string
-- 4 Instr(Dump(Substr(Charx,V_Ctr,1),10),':',11)+2 Add 2 to get the beginning position of the character (i.e., 97)
-- 5 Substr (Search Item 2 ,Starting at position calculated in Item 4)
-- 6 LPad it so different length characters line up.

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